Saturday, November 12, 2011

Petition to get me a new cycle

I had *ahem* “parked” my cycle outside the OG department of my college. For those lucky ones who have never been to my college, this is a barren wasteland with donkeys and pigs walking around. I even saw a horse today, but unfortunately I couldn’t stop to take a photo because I was late for class.

So anyway. In this mini-petting zoo that we call a hospital, there are also some people who live (yes, live) right there and sell stuff to people. I’ve never actually noticed what they sell because they’re usually just violently yelling at each other in some other language. They’re kind of unmistakable because they hang their clothes out to dry right outside the OG OP sometimes. I usually don’t have a problem with this, but when I was walking back from the canteen to get my cycle, I was a little surprised to see some random lady draping her clothes ON MY CYCLE.

To be honest though, my cycle does look a little bit like a clothes hanger on wheels. The seat’s tearing, the chain’s rusted and the breaks hardly work (though they make the same sound a plane does when it hits the runway). And if a crow decides to drop a little gift, it usually stays till the rain washes it away.

I think I should get a new cycle. Preferably a mountain bike or something because the roads in Chengalpet are actually only made of little black stones that someone’s very considerately spread out evenly on the sand.

Parents of mine, I know you’re reading.

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