Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I blame myself. And I blame the machines.

It is now 2.30 am, I have a test on the other side of this morning and I am left wondering why I cant even remember the names of the two essays that I'm supposed to have studied. A couple of reasons come to mind.

1) I started at 6 pm
2) I made notes on the computer and the file I created hasnt been open for more than three minutes at a stretch this entire evening
3) I have the attention span of a fruit fly

But then on the plus side, I found out that the NASA's New Horizons mission could end up being blown to smithereens by debris from one of Pluto's undiscovered moons, that the Large Hadron Collider has not been able to prove the existence of the Higgs boson and that Bon Jovi has been nominated for a People's Choice award.

And that I'm going to fail tomorrow today.

Monday, November 28, 2011

It should be illegal to use internet jokes for non-joke purposes

Victory baby is my favourite internet meme. Here are a few in case you havent seen it already

See? Hilarious.

You know what's not hilarious? This:

The person responsible for this atrocity needs to be excommunicated from the internet.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Nothing lasts forever. Even cold November rain.

Class got over at 12, and I came out to find that it was raining. Actually it was more of a light drizzle, and I could quite easily have cycled home with the cool wind in my face, but no. I had convinced myself that it was raining heavily enough to warrant the use of my raincoat. Mainly to show the whole world how brilliant I was to have thought of bringing it along that day.

It took a good 5 minutes to get it out of the bag, button all the buttons and zip all the zips, but despite a couple of o_o expressions from the patients, I was finally ready to face a thunderstorm if I had to. The problem? It had stopped raining.

Obviously it’d be too much of a pain to remove the thing and pack it up again, so I cycled the whole 15 minutes home with enough insulation to keep a polar bear in a blizzard warm, sweating buckets all the way.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Petition to get me a new cycle

I had *ahem* “parked” my cycle outside the OG department of my college. For those lucky ones who have never been to my college, this is a barren wasteland with donkeys and pigs walking around. I even saw a horse today, but unfortunately I couldn’t stop to take a photo because I was late for class.

So anyway. In this mini-petting zoo that we call a hospital, there are also some people who live (yes, live) right there and sell stuff to people. I’ve never actually noticed what they sell because they’re usually just violently yelling at each other in some other language. They’re kind of unmistakable because they hang their clothes out to dry right outside the OG OP sometimes. I usually don’t have a problem with this, but when I was walking back from the canteen to get my cycle, I was a little surprised to see some random lady draping her clothes ON MY CYCLE.

To be honest though, my cycle does look a little bit like a clothes hanger on wheels. The seat’s tearing, the chain’s rusted and the breaks hardly work (though they make the same sound a plane does when it hits the runway). And if a crow decides to drop a little gift, it usually stays till the rain washes it away.

I think I should get a new cycle. Preferably a mountain bike or something because the roads in Chengalpet are actually only made of little black stones that someone’s very considerately spread out evenly on the sand.

Parents of mine, I know you’re reading.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

MORTEIN rat poison: A case report

It was a nice peaceful Saturday evening and we were just sitting down to watch some TV, when a giant monstrosity ran across the room. This was no ordinary rat. Ordinary rats look malnourished. Ordinary rats look like they eat cheese. This rat looked like it ate biryani. Mutton biryani.
It probably took me several hundred nanoseconds to jump up and clear the area. With ipod, laptop and cell phone in hand (and the ENT book on the floor, because really, who cares about that?) I promptly moved to the next room while my grandmother jumped into action, readying the mouse traps and poisons, among which was a cake of MORTEIN.
  • One cake of MORTEIN
  • One rat, preferably trapped inside a bathroom that is locked from the outside

Experimental procedure:
  • Open door
  • Blindly throw in the poison
  • Close the door

To be noted:
Entire procedure must be completed within 3 seconds or before the rat comes out of the open door (rat-escape), whichever comes first. If the rat has emerged from its confinement, then you, my friend, are in deep trouble. Deep deep trouble.
Ensure that while blindly throwing in the poison, the same does not fall into an open toilet seat, as this will necessitate a repetition of the procedure, and this in turn is associated with a higher rate of rat-escape.
Review of literature:
Based on the information contained on a piece of paper that was packed with the rat poison, I was able to conclude that MORTEIN is meant to be an anti-coagulant which causes rodent death by internal bleeding.
The rat was left inside the bathroom for half an hour, surrounded by rat traps and poison. One such rat trap was a kind of cage with a piece of cheese in it, and the cage was supposed to snap shut when the rat ate the cheese. When we looked, however, the rat was found to be very comfortably sitting inside the cage, eating the cheese, and then found to very comfortably exit the said cage, with a full stomach.
On to plan B. This was a rectangular plate with a piece of cheese in the centre, surrounded by a gum-like paste which was supposed to stick to the rat’s legs and not let it get away. The obvious design flaw with this one was that even if the rat did successfully get stuck, you’re still left with a struggling, angry, live, perfectly healthy rat, stuck to a plate of glue. This trap also failed (thankfully).
And now the rat finally decided to eat MORTEIN. The rat was found to be hiding under the washing machine, seemingly disoriented and delusional, and hopefully bleeding into its brain or something. It had been chewing on rusted metal on the stand-like thing that was holding up the washing machine and pooping. A LOT.
Two important never-before-documented side effects of MORTEIN ingestion were noted. Diarrhoea and pica.
Possible clinical applications in humans:
  • Constipation. However, the side effect of using this drug is internal bleeding and death, but on the plus side, you’ll die with an empty bowel
  • Kids who refuse to eat anything. The induced pica will unfortunately also cause the child to eat plastic, mud, pencils, metal (experimentally proven) and dirt* but hey, at least the kid’s eating now
[* list not exhaustive]
Further research into this matter is required.

PS. For anyone wondering how our rat finally met it’s doom, Death came in the form of the next door watchman, whose bravery must be applauded. He gave us a smile and then went into the bathroom with a metal rod in his hand and no slippers on his feet and locked the door from the inside, in true Tom & Jerry style. Some noises and 30 seconds later, he came out holding that cage thing with the rat inside. Though we were curious about how he did it, we did not ask; for when a hero emerges victorious from an epic battle such as this, one does not ask questions, but merely stares in wondrous awe

Friday, November 4, 2011

What I learnt today

1) That electric mosquito racket works on ants too

2) Baby pigs can run. Fast.