I have decided to blog. Mainly because I am bored, as all third year medical students should be. There will be nothing remotely interesting on this page, and if you're reading, I have no idea why you're here.
I used to post random stuff on facebook. But then I went through my friends list the other day and realised that I dont even know half the people I've added. This makes me think too much about what I'm saying.
Then I tried twitter. But then no one I know uses it. So I was pretty much talking to myself, though twitter told me the whole planet was listening.
I went to tumblr, because all the funny image macros seem to somehow come from there, but I had no idea who to follow or how to find those funny image macros that I signed up to see.
Then I finally settled on this. If you're reading, you have decided voluntarily to be spammed by my meaningless blithering. If the URL didnt give you a clue, I'm sure this post did.
So hi.